Our service for you

N.I.E. number

Would you like to do business in Spain as a foreigner, buy a property or live there? Then you will need an N.I.E. number. The N.I.E. number stands for “Número de Identidad de Extranjero” and serves as an identification and tax number. The application for this number is unique and it is valid for life. You need the number to work in Spain, to conclude contracts or to pay taxes when buying property. To apply for the N.I.E. number in Spain, you must go to the relevant authority in person or through a representative.

Incl. application forms, copies, personal accompaniment to the appointment, fees at the office. The N.I.E. number will be issued to you directly!


  • NORMAL (waiting time for appointment approx. 8 weeks): 169,00 € per person
  • EXPRESS (waiting time approx. 2-3 working days): 349,00 € per person


The energy certificate in Mallorca, also known as the “Certificado de eficiencia energética”, is an essential document for renting or selling property on the island. This certificate is valid for 10 years, after which it must be renewed. It is essential that the energy certificate is available in a valid form in order to carry out the notarization of a property sale. Without a current certificate, the sale of the property cannot be legally completed.

We take over the communication with the energy consultant and discuss all the necessary information in detail. Our service covers both apartments and houses of all types and sizes. Rely on our professional support to ensure that your energy certificate complies with current requirements, enabling smooth transactions for your property.

Price: 249,00 € per apartment / house


The certificate of habitability, known in Spain as the “Cédula de habitabilidad”, is a crucial document that confirms the habitability of a property and ensures that it meets certain minimum standards. These include specified sizes, sanitary facilities and the necessary basic technical equipment. The “Cédula” is required in particular for the initial application for electricity and/or water connections. With a validity period of 10 years, it then requires renewal. Although a valid certificate of habitability is recommended for the notarization of a property sale, it is not mandatory.

Types of habitability certificate:

  1. First certificate: Cédula de habitabilidad de primera ocupación This certificate is required for new buildings and must also be applied for if a change of use or a major construction project is planned. The building permit must be presented. It is only issued after the final building inspection (Certificado final de obra) by the responsible municipality in Mallorca. The Certificación municipal de finalización de obra (CFO) is also required.
  2. Subsequent certificates: Cédula de habitabilidad de renovación After the expiry date, the certificate of habitability must be renewed. The application requires recent photos of the property and written confirmation from an architect that no changes have been made to the property.
  3. For properties built before 1987: Cédula de habitabilidad por carencia For properties that were built before March 1, 1987 and have never received a certificate of habitability in Mallorca, there is a simplified application procedure. This requires the “Certificado de situación urbanística” from the municipality, which proves that the property was built before the deadline, that no structural changes have been made since then and that no proceedings have been initiated against the previous owners for building violations.”

The following documents are required for the application:

Applying for a cédula in an urban area

  • Copy of the purchase deed or extract from the land register (nota simple)
  • Copy of the expired cédula (if available)
  • Copy of the last electricity or water bill

Applying for a first cédula in a rural area (Rústico)

  • Copy of the purchase deed or extract from the land register (nota simple)
  • Certificate “Certificado de antegüidad” (can be obtained from the responsible Ajuntament)
  • Copy of the last electricity or water bill

We will arrange an appointment for you and discuss all the necessary documents so that the Cedula can be issued.

Price: 249,00 € per Cedula


We can help you to re-register water, electricity and gas contracts in your name. To ensure that the re-registration process runs smoothly, all we need is your rental agreement or deed of sale, your identity document, your N.I.E. number and your bank details.

Price: 49,00 € per change of registration


We offer a professional translation service in Spanish and English. Our translator will help you with any communication problems and will accompany you to appointments or telephone calls. She will also be happy to assist you with your notary appointment.

Would you like to learn Spanish? Then you’ve also come to the right place, because she also offers Spanish lessons.

– Translations of documents German-Spanish / Spanish-German – Translations for visits to authorities or notaries – Private Spanish lessons (also online)


  • Document translation: € 0.10 per word
  • Translations for authorities/notary or similar: € 59.00 per hour plus travel expenses depending on distance
  • Spanish lessons: 30,00 € per hour

All prices incl. IVA